Wednesday, July 11, 2012


For selected people...

Image credits:

I will share some of my stash here. Just be discreet.

Oxford Handbook Of Clinical And Laboratory Investigation
Oxford Handbook Of Clinical Haematology
Oxford Handbook Of Clinical Diagnosis
Oxford Handbook Of Clinical Examination And Practical Skills
Oxford Handbook Of Clinical Medicine
Oxford Handbook Of Clinical Specialties
Oxford Handbook Of Clinical Surgery
Oxford Medical Handbooks folder - contains the following handbooks:
- Accident and Emergency Medicine
- Acute Medicine
- Anesthesia
- Critical Care
- Dialysis
- General Practice
- GU Medicine, HIV and AIDS
- Medical Sciences
- Palliative Care
- Practical Drug Therapy
- Psychiatry
- Respiratory Medicine
- Tropical Medicine
- Urology
Medical Physiology by Guyton 11th Edition
Morgan's Clinical Anesthesiology 4th Edition
ECG Interpretation Made Incredibly Easy 5th Edition 
Medical Toxicology Of Natural Substances 
Current Clinical Strategies, Critical Care and Cardiac Medicine ('05) 
Katzung Pharmacology 9th Edition 
JNC 7 
A Textbook Of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 5th Edition 
Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine 17th Edition 
Nelson's Textbook of Pediatrics 18th Edition 
Neuro Notes - Cinical Pocket Guide 
Pediatric Headaches in Clinical Practice 
Operative Surgery Manual 
Current Diagnosis and Treatment - Geriatric 
Drugs for the Heart 6th Edition 
Operative Surgery Manual 
The Ultimate Guide To Choosing A Medical Specialty 
Current Diagnosis and Treatment in Family Medicine 3rd Edition 
Clinical Sports Medicine 
Principles and Practice of Pharmacology for Anesthetists 5th Edition 
Color Atlas of Clinical Orthopedics 
Sports Nutrition 
Atlas of Emergency Medicine 3rd Edition 
Pediatric Emergency Medicine 
Netter Atlas of Anatomy 
AJCC Cancer Staging Manual 
DeGowin's Diagnostic Examination 9th Edition 
Evidence Based Emergency Medicine 
Diagnostic Procedures in Ophthalmology 
The Harriet Lane Handbook 
Human Sectional Anatomy - Atlas of Body Sections 
Advanced Assessment - Interpreting Findings and Formulating Diff Dx 
Essential Neurology 
Jawetz Medical Microbiology 25th Edition 
Diagnostic Handbook of Otorhinolaryngology 
Understanding Normal and Clinical Nutrition 
Rapid Review of Radiology 
Emergency Radiology and Intervention 
Baxter's The Foot and Ankle in Sport 
Radiobiology for the Radiologist 
Harrison's Specialties Series:
     Nephrology and Acid-Base Disorders 
     Gastroenterology and Hepatology 
     Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine

If you have any requests for a book (ANY book), use the comments section below.


  • There are some books that cannot be uploaded through the one I'm using. I'm currently working on a way for it to be posted here.
  • For easier search, press Ctrl + F (Windows/PC) or Command + F (Mac), type a keyword from the book you are searching then press Enter. This will be helpful when there are a lot of books here already, as I am too lazy to sort them all out. :)
  • Please report broken or missing links in the comments section.


  1. Very interesting and lovely post.

  2. thankyou doc! you're the best =)

  3. Any radio book doc? thanks! :)

  4. doc, do you have Physical medicine and Rehabilitation by Randall L. Braddoms? Thanks

  5. Hi Earl.
    Thanks for this helpful post! Will share to my medfriends! :D


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